Wednesday, September 3, 2014

When Plans Become Unplanned

     So, many of you know or have seen the sweet side of Dakota and/or all the adorable photos we have of her. However, as sweet as she is that's not how she always is for us. This picture is just a glimpse of the attitude this little girl has. She has a big heart with a side of attitude.

      This was Friday. We had wanted to go out for ice cream for her birthday which was actually Tuesday but with my husbands new schedule we decided to plan for Friday. I also decided hey why don't we just go somewhere where we can have dinner too. So we decided on Culvers. Now normally Dakota loves going out and gets excited when we have the opportunity to eat out. She also is usually an excellent eater and rarely gets upset over our request to eat something. This was not our night. From the minute we ordered our food it was a battle. She was just not having it. All she wanted was ketchup and soda. She wouldn't even look at her burger. Every time we offered a piece we'd get a shriek and she would push our hand away. Now I am not the type of person where you have to finish your food to get dessert but in this case where she wasn't eating anything...we had to make that call...even though we really wanted ice cream. I suppose we could have gotten ice cream we both finished our meals...but didn't want to battle the tantrum of seeing mommy and daddy getting ice cream, so after many attempts to get her to take ONE bite we conceited and left without our treat.

     Sometimes being the parent isn't all that fun is it? I was kind of disappointed that we tried to do something fun as a family since we don't really have the opportunity to just go out together all too often. However the experience that night was more of a hassle than fun. But that's the way life is right? You can't expect everything to go according to our plan. However with that thought in mind there is someone's plan for us that will never change, and that's God's plan. I like to keep that in mind when our plans fail us, are disappointing, or less than what we expect, that God's plan even if it may not appear as such, is and always will be perfect.   

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