Friday, December 5, 2014

Happy and Healthy New Year


      As the end of the year wraps up and Christmas and New Years approach us, I know full well that it is going to become more difficult for me to keep up the healthy living and eating. I have such a sweet tooth and when I get busy I tend to throw things together, and eat here and there. So usually by the start of the new year I am ready to get back on track.  So its natural for me to think of goals to achieve after the holidays and the start of the new year! I am mentally excited for the visual of a fresh start even though it was a good year, it wasn't free of struggles, in fact it was filled with many struggles, but those struggles have led us down a better path  for which I am immensely grateful.

     I still feel like we are struggling to overcome the long term effects of our exposure to black mold, I still have back pain that started while in our prior living situation as well as difficulty keeping my weight up. The goal for this year is to be able to stay at a healthy weight and get on a track to try and minimize the back pain and increase energy. I also am still struggling with anxiety and some days I still feel the depression which I know worsened around the black mold. My husband still has lingering breathing issues at night. Dakota seems to be doing pretty well, but there are moments that make me wonder if she has any lingering effects. So these are my goals for the next year to try and overcome these lingering effects as well as just improving quality of life...

  1. Start Physical Therapy if there's no physical evidence of anything wrong with my spine.
  2. Continue to do Yoga on a regular basis.
  3. Add in some counseling sessions to help manage anxiety.
  4. Start some core strengthening workouts!
  5. Start hiking again!
  6. Eat well, leaning more towards a Paleo diet with some alterations.
  7. Continue to add as much Organic and non GMO foods as our budget allows.
  8. Make more use of our Juicer!
  9. Add back in all the supplements I was taking prior to getting pregnant with Dakota.
  10. Start using Aromatherapy Oils in our everyday life, and for pain management as well as overall quality of life.
     Hopefully, I can meet all of my goals and solve some of our lingering issues, while reaching towards a higher quality of life. I want to be able to lovingly and patiently be able to keep up with my 2 year old as well as any future kids without wanting to secretly pass out from pain and exhaustion. I know with Fibromyalgia I will always have lingering pain, but what I want is to have more good days than bad. I think this is a great start for me! In the end I want to feel mentally and physically strong again, more like me, I want to get back to the root of who I am. I think I have forgotten it takes work to feel good. I feel like the strength I used to hold has been sucked out of me the past few years and I truly hope this will be a great year ahead. A year of health, happiness, and a sense of peace even in the face of any future struggles we may have to face.
What are some of your New Years goals? I know you have them!


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