Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Finding Beauty in Imperfection



  So here I go, my first blog and in all honesty it's scary to write this first post. I have so many ideas and thoughts but I sort of feel like it's that awkward beginning of a new relationship where nothing quite seems right. I'm sure my first posts will be far from perfect as I learn the ins and outs, as well as the do's and don'ts of blogging.

            I'm not really sure how I got here but I'm excited and at the very same time I'm not sure why I didn't jump on the blog bandwagon a long time ago. I love writing but not in an I want to write a book sense, that's my husband, and hopefully one day that will be accomplished. I personally love writing about things that mean something in the moment, the raw truth. I love poetry for that reason short simple and raw. My English teacher in college used to comment that he could tell I drew from my life in my writing pretty much every paper and every paper where I dug deep, resulted in an A. For me writing is an outlet, one that I often times forget about or abandon, but every time I am redirected back to writing I know that what I say on paper is more honest and raw than what I am able to speak. It's a way to tame the Chaos and Anxiety and sort out the thoughts in my racing mind. 

             My overall plan for this blog is to give myself an opportunity to be 100% me. To share my everyday thoughts, victories, fails, and the overall journeys life throws at me. As a mom, and getting to know other moms, I notice a trend, the idea of PERFECTION. I'd like to say I don't fall into that trap of wanting to be perfect (and often times failing), but unfortunately I do. I also find myself comparing how I live to others. In reality what does it matter how others live at least in a comparative sense. How do you define what is and isn't perfection? Sometimes its perception and the grass isn't always greener on the other side. I am sort of on this journey of trying to be more positive in life and I think sometimes that means admitting that I'm not perfect nor is my house or my parenting skills and that's ok. However that being said that doesn't mean that we shouldn't strive to improve certain aspects of our lives. One aspect of my life I'm trying to really build up is my relationships in all senses. I really want to build up my relationship with God. I wouldn't say I fell away from God by any means but I'm definitely not where I want to be in that relationship. As I am beginning that part of my journey I notice things in life are starting to go a little smoother. Amazing how that works. The marriage relationship I feel is always a work in progress and the mom role I feel is forever changing. These two areas I think we often feel the most imperfection, at least I do. As far as friendships go we are on a mission to build only positive relationships. The power of being in a positive environment, in all aspects of life, I am slowly discovering, is very powerful and can change your outlook on life. It can truly change that perception of perfection. I know I will never personally meet perfection but with God by my side I can try to get the most out of life and live to his glory. In all reality life is a gift. I'm really striving to live in the moment more and searching for the beauty in everyday life, among all the chaos and imperfections.

That's what this space for me is, its all about sharing my journey of learning how to live more in the moment, even if it may be imperfect!


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